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Motivation Monday

Thank you, Jesus we have officially made it through another full week! Our weekend was great, spent it at homes with the boys we never have a dull moment with them. Wyatt is three and Grayson is ten months they both have a blast together. Calvin and I finally got Wyatt a big boy bed and they both slept in their own room this weekend, kind of sad not having them in our room but it was definitely time for them to have their own space. Today is the start of another week and I wanted to share with you some of my favorite quotes/sayings I like to read that motivate me daily. I like to read them and stop my self from complaining about whatever negativity the day may bring and be thankful for what I do have. Choosing to be happy can help with so much in your daily life. Remember how blessed you are today and live for the good things God has put into your life instead of dwelling on the not so good.
1.       “No one is YOU and that’s your Superpower”
-          Self confidence is the best outfit, rock it, and own it.
2.       “Life is tough my darling but so are you”
-          Struggles will come and go but they do not last forever, learn to embrace them and let them help you grow as a person.
3.       “Always be a work in progress” 
-          If you want something you have to get up and go, get it. You must be willing to work hard, fall, get back up again until you have reached your goal & even then push yourself to be better.
4.       “Give me the wisdom to know what must be done and the courage to do it”
-          As the bible says, seek and you will see. Its not easy following the right path and understanding why things happen. Learn to trust in Jesus because he knows what tomorrow brings.  ( “Show me the way I should walk” Psalms 143:8 )
5.       “Learn to live each day with an open heart and take time to do what makes you happy”
-          Set your mind to think positive instead of having a negative mindset towards what the future holds.
6.       “Not every day is a good day but there is good in everyday”
-          When you find yourself having a bad day think to yourself.. are you really having a bad day or are you just dwelling on that one bad thing that happened?
7.       “Being Happy never goes out of style”
-          Learn to be content with life and have a positive outlook on everyday situations
8.       “Train yourself to find the blessings in everything”
-           Its been raining here in Monahans for like four days straight now, it’s been a struggle driving through town in a small car because of the flooding but man we needed the rain! Thank you, Jesus, for the flooding and rain! Back to dry west Texas today.
9.       “Do everything with so much love in your heart that you would never want to do it any other way”
-          LOVE with your whole heart!
10.   “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me PHIL 4:13”
-          Learn to do ALL things through Christ and have faith in his plan he has prepared for you.

XOXO- Katherine 


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